In recent years, Invertase has received considerable attention in food industry, due to its ability to hydrolyse sucrose into a mixture of glucose and fructose, named Inverted Syrup. Thus, bees spend much less energy while consuming this food when compared to simple sugar syrup. So, it turns out that feeding your bees with simple sugar syrup is less desirable because the sucrose has to be initially broken into glucose and fructose which additionally drains energy from the bees. That is why the most preferable feed for bees is the Inverted sugar syrup.
Methods of production
A lot of methods have been incorporated for the efficient production of the syrup. The conventional method of producing invert syrup is to hydrolyse sucrose in the presence of acid. Inverted sugar syrup can be made without acids or enzymes by heating up granulated sugar and water, however the yield is relatively small.
Bioproduction of inverted syrup with the help of enzymes is a better alternative as compared to conventional methods.
Main benefits using Inverted sugar syrup
The main benefit behind using inverted sugar syrup, instead of just plain sugar solution for stimulative feedings is that the assimilation of sugar (sucrose) requires energy and thus decreases the production output of the beehive. In addition, there is another point to be made – beekeepers usually feed the bees when there is not much food for them. When you use plain sugar syrup you essentially take energy from the bees in order to feed them. By contrast, no energy is taken from the bees when you give them inverted sugar syrup – thus increasing the effect of the feeding with the same quantity of syrup.

Let’s talk about the effect of the special herbal blend in VemoHerb® BEES+ that further stimulates the production performance of the hive and the net profit for the beekeeper.
♦ increased of honey productivity by 39%;
♦ increased activity of the laying queens by 42%;
♦ extended length of life of worker bees by 17%;
♦ increased resilience during winter by 6%;
♦ reduced consumption of honey during winter by 26%;
♦ increased flight activity of colonies by 56%.
For the user’s convenience, VemoHerb® BEES have been further improved, by adding invertase activity to it. We can conclude that you get 2 advantages in 1 product, VemoHerb® BEES+, which combines all the benefits stated above plus invertase activity enough to prepare inverted syrup out of simple sugar, saving the valuable energy of the bees. This makes it possible for every beekeeper to prepare inverted sugar syrup themselves. It can be easily made either at home, or for industrial purposes.
The application of VemoHerb® BEES+ shows significantly more positive effect on the strength, activity, productivity and sustainability of colonies compared to other stimulators present on the market.
Also, by making some simple calculations, you can conclude that the price, which you are going to pay for ready-made inverted sugar syrup is a lot higher, when compared to the combined price of VemoHerb® BEES+ and the plain sugar syrup. Having this in mind, VemoHerb® BEES+ turns out to be not only economically beneficial, but it also provides for numerous health benefits for the hive.
By using plain sugar syrup, you essentially take energy from the bees in order to feed them. In contrast, no additional energy is needed from the bees when you give them inverted sugar syrup – thus increasing the effect of the feeding with the same quantity of syrup.
With the supplement VemoHerb® BEES+ in the inverted sugar syrup, the oviparous activity of queen bees is increased by 38.61%. Bee colonies stimulated with VemoHerb® BEES+ have a higher percentage of hibernated bees and consume less honey on an average bee interhold.
Supplementing bee families with inverted sugar syrup, prepared with VemoHerb® BEES+, leads to increased laying activity of the queen bees and extended length of life of worker bees.